Aamchi Lore Unlimited
We do not tell stories, we let the stories speak for themselves. Over a hundred years ago, the ”Social Club” of our community in Bombay started a broadsheet - the ‘Kanara Saraswat Quarterly’ which soon became ‘The Kanara Saraswat' Monthly ... and many eager opinions were expressed on paper. The ambit of ideas expanded from local to provincial to National. As education spread, so did the mobility of people, and of ideas. Women contributors of articles increased, as did the subjects on which people expressed opinions.
We have dipped into this cornucopia of heritage thought to bring you the very best of these unique writings. At a time when education, particularly in The English language was the privilege of a few, those who wrote did so on a spectrum of subjects. The times were interesting, ideas proliferated as frogs do during monsoons!! The socio-religious ferment in the community kept pace with political and economic events in the country; democracy of ideas oftentimes outstripped democracy of practice. While contributing to the improvement of society at large, the Chitrapur Saraswats did not lag behind in, so to speak, ”pulling itself up by its bootstraps”, and helping in the betterment of whichever areas it settled in. There never was a Golden Age (except in our imagination) and each phase in time has seen its struggles, its efforts, its successes and failures. We chronicle them all, in the hope that successive generations that read them will find word pictures that mirror the community's past, and those generations' solutions to bridge the gaps, creating hope for the future. After all, hope is the spark plug for our mental engines.
From the KSA Archives
Reminiscences of our Swamies By SN Koppikar (KSA April 1932)
Proceedings of the Mahasabha of Chitrapur Saraswats held at Shirali on the 27th and 28th December 1932 (KSA December 1932)
The Other Side of Bombay Suburbs By NRS; (KSA February1932)
With folded Hands By H Shankar Rau; (KSA February1932)
A Delhi-Simla Hotchpotch From our own Correspondence; (KSA May1932)
Questions and Answers By H Shankar Rau; (KSA May1932)
The Car festival at Chitrapur By DNN (KAS May1932)
The late Haridas Mangalore Narayan Bhatji By HSR (KSA May 1932)
The Math and the Community By Special Correspondent (KSA November1932)
Letter to the Editor By Bhanap (KSA October1932)
The Math and the Community By KSA (KSA October 1932)
Oh God! - Ganesh By G. Annaji Rao, M. A., B. L. (KSA October1932)
The Mirror of Bhanap Traits (A book Review) By S.R.S. (KSA June 1931)
A plea for Saraswat Census By G A Chandavarkar, MA (KSA March 1931)
Benares By B Sanjiva Rao, MA (KSA November 1931)
Communalism a means to an end By A Saraswat (KSA November 1931)
How to qualify for an Industrial career By KS Rao, LTM, ATI (KSA November 1931)
A Retrospect and Prospect By HSR (KSA November 1931)
Saraswats then and now By GA Chandavarkar, MA (KSA November 1931)
THE Bhagvad Gita By H Bhavani Shanker (KSA November 1931)
The Burma Bhanap - a Retrospect By Anon (KSA November 1931)